Welcome to post.lurk.org

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This page is for new users of post.lurk.org. Here we have compiled some information that can help you with the software we use, including resources that explain what the Fediverse is about. If some links are dead, please let us know so we can update this page!

Micro-blogging on the Fediverse

What is an instance?

In brief: the Fediverse is a is an ensemble of interconnected servers that are used for all sort of services (micro-blogging, file hosting, video sharing, etc). An instance is the name given to the server, and sometimes by extension the community, around a particular server that runs software to offer a service as part of an interconnected network of other servers and services available through the Fediverse. https://post.lurk.org is an instance for the LURK community. It runs a modified version of the Mastodon software, which is a FLOSS micro-blogging platform. Generally speaking, users on our instance can interact/follow other users from other instances.


Discovering content and people

The Fediverse and Mastodon are not super intuitive. The most difficult thing is to discover content and people you find interesting. For that there are generally two strategies:

  • First, you can post and subscribe to hashtags. This is currently the best way to find particular conversations. For example you could look at or post to #fediverse to find others interested in that topic. Most commonly #introductions is used to describe briefly what you are interested in, that way people can follow you. We recommend that you write such an #introductions post so that some of us can boost you for visibility.
  • The second strategy is to make use of both the 'Local' and 'Federated'/'Global' timelines. The local one shows all posts written by people on post.lurk.org. The 'Global' timeline shows all posts by people followed by people on post.lurk.org but who are themselves on a different part of the network.

Post visibility

Mastodon has quite granular visibility settings for your posts, you find them in the message compose field. Here is how they work:


In addition to those we have another option (the chain link) which makes your posts not federate, meaning they are only visible on post.lurk.org.

Account Settings

post.lurg.org is part of LURK

Terms of Service and Server Rules

Super important, if you did not read them yet, please check our terms and rules. https://post.lurk.org/about/more

Staying in touch

In case the instance is down, or if you have a problem, you can get in touch via email (see https://lurk.org) or chat by using https://partyline.lurk.org

Due to a recent changes in Mastodon, new users do not follow automatically the admins of the instance by default. This is a an issue for a small community like ours as we were using this feature to keep track of users activity (including boosting some of your initial posts so you can get more visibility across the network at first), and also use our own personal account to communicate about server maintenance and general LURK news.

If you do not mind, it would be very helpful if you start following us, the admins of the instance: @320x200, @lidia_p, and https://post.lurk.org/@rra @rra].

Support the infrastructure!

Last but not least, LURK can run such services thanks to its community. If you are in a privileged enough position in which you can afford supporting us financially, please consider chipping in to make LURK sustainable in the long run! https://opencollective.com/lurk

Further Reading

If you wanna do some serious reading on what else is possible, and perspectives on the Fediverse, here are some pointers: